Poster Presentation 26th Annual Lorne Proteomics Symposium 2021

Investigation of recombinant human factor IX posttranslational modification differences in fed-batch and perfusion processes of Chinese Hamster Ovary cells against plasma-derived factor IX (#62)

Dinora D Roche Recinos 1 2 3 , Cassandra C Pegg 4 , Toan K. TK Phung 4 , Ellen E Otte 3 , Mark M Napoli 3 , Campbell C Aitken 3 , Yih Yean YY Lee 3 , Ben B Schulz 4 , Christopher B. C Howard 1 2
  1. Australian Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN) at The University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane, QLD, Australia
  2. Centre for Biopharmaceutical Innovation (CBI), Australian Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN) at The University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane, QLD, Australia
  3. CSL Limited, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  4. School of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Background and novelty 


Human coagulation factor IX (FIX) is a protein that relies on an extensive spectrum of posttranslational modifications that enable it to function correctly and efficiently in the coagulation pathway [1, 2]. These consist of seven disulfide bridges, two N-glycans and six O-linked glycans, one sulfation site, one phosphorylation site, 12 -carboxylation (GLA) sites as well as one -hydroxylation sites [3-9]. This study aims to investigate the differences in the posttranslational modifications of human recombinant factor IX (rFIX) produced in CHO fed-batch and perfusion cultures, compared with plasma-derived factor IX (PD-FIX).


Experimental approach 


The cell line used was a CHO-K1SV expressing rFIX. Two fed-batch bioreactors were conducted using commercial CD-CHO media and EfficientFeed A and B respectively. Perfusion cultures were conducted in the same base medium using an Applisens Biosep acoustic perfusion unit at a dilution rate of one reactor volume a day. The bioreactors were sampled daily for off-line measurements to track cell growth, metabolism and productivity. These samples were also used for Sequential Window Acquisition of all Theoretical Mass Spectra (SWATH-MS) analysis [10]. In parallel, purified rFIX from these cultures was analyzed after an in-gel digestion using Liquid Chromatography Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS/MS) to characterize the PTMs.


Results and discussion 


The fed-batch cultures responded differently to each of the feeds despite achieving similar peak cell densities of ~15x106 cells/mL. Almost all the PTMs of PD-FIX were observed in rFIX of both fed-batch cultures, although they showed partial occupancy and higher heterogeneity. Preliminary qualitative analysis also suggested that gamma-carboxylation in the rFIX GLA domain is more complete in one fed-batch compared to the other. As a comparison, pseudo steady-states were established in the perfusion cultures at 15x106 cells/mL via bleeding of the cultures under the control of an online turbidity probe. Samples were collected from these steady-states and purified for PTM analysis to establish comparison across the different modes of cultures and the native PD-FIX.


Acknowledgements & Funding


CSL Limited, Melbourne, Australia, supported this research. We would also like to thank our colleagues from both CSL and the Australian Research Council, Centre for Biopharmaceutical Innovation (CBI) who provided insight and expertise that greatly assisted the research.



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